Coaching Forms
All training costs are reimbursed if you are volunteering in these roles for the current hockey season. Please email with your name, email address, proof of course completion, and receipts to receive your reimbursement.
On-ice volunteer requirements
All head coaches, assistant coaches and on-ice helpers require the following before stepping on the ice:
- Criminal record check - must be completed for OMHMHA every 3 years. Our organization's access code is: 84UGFFJ579
- Hockey Canada Registry (HCR) number - this number is used to register for all required courses. If you do not have an HCR number, please email to request one. Once you are assigned an HCR number, you can complete courses and view your Hockey Canada profile per the instructions in the "Returning coaches" section below.
- Courses (our association name is listed as "Hundred Mile House" for location. Please DO NOT choose "Cariboo"):
- Respect in Sport - Activity Leader - must be completed every 5 years
Coaching clinics
Head coaches and assistant coaches need to complete various coaching clinics depending on the team they are coaching. Select the appropriate age division and level of hockey you are planning to coach to see the coaching requirements. Note: our association name is listed as "Hundred Mile House" when signing up for courses.
Returning coaches
Criminal record checks and some courses expire every few years. Please log into your Hockey Canada Spordle account before the start of the season to check all is up-to-date.
Haven't yet set up your Spordle account?
Note: you need to complete this on a desktop computer, not a mobile or tablet device.
- Go to Spordle signup and register for your Spordle account.
- Once in Spordle, click on the profile icon
in the top, right corner > My Account
- On the left select Member, then add member and enter criteria for yourself and add as self
- You will now have 2 members, the account holder and the linked member. Select the newly linked member to view the status of your qualifications
Contact the OMHMHA Coach Coordinator at
Other Resources
- Policy and Bylaws
- Hockey Canada coaching resources
- Hockey Canada rule book
- BC Hockey coaching resources
- BC Hockey locker room policy
- BC Hockey Fair Play Code for coaches
- Concussion resources for coaches
- Hockey Canada safety resources
- BC Hockey - tournament information
- Spordle Account - to see your completed training/courses
- Spordle Play - to submit team roster before each game

100 Mile & District Minor Hockey Association
#2 - 175B Wrangler Way
PO Box 487
100 Mile House, BC
V0K 2E0