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Volunteer information
OMHMHA is a volunteer-run organization with no paid staff. Parent/caregiver volunteers are always needed, and there are many opportunities to get involved with individual teams, or at the association-wide level. Information about these positions is listed below.
Volunteering for a team
Team personnel
Off-ice officials
- Scorekeeper - (U11 and up) - keeps score during games via an electronic device
- Timekeeper - (U9 and up) - runs the time clock during games
- Penalty box person - (U11 and up) - assists players into and out of the penalty box during games
Other team volunteer roles
- Washing team jerseys - (U9 and up) - ensures jerseys are washed and returned to the team locker after every game
- Dressing room monitor - (U11 and up) - monitors team dressing room before and after practices
- Tournament organizer - (U7 and up) - coordinates tasks required to prepare and run the home tournament for a team/division
Volunteering for the association
- assisting with association-wide fundraising and events
- participating on the Board as an Officer of the Association or in another Executive Committee role such as:
- Equipment Manager
- Referee-in-Chief
- Coach Coordinator
- Rep Team Coordinator
- Risk Management Coordinator
- Sponsorship Coordinator
- Tournament Coordinator
- Division Manager
- Chairperson of any special committee
- Read an overview of Board roles.
Fair Play Codes
OMHMHA encourages all spectators, parents, players, coaches, officials and league organizers to follow these BC Hockey Fair Play Codes.

100 Mile & District Minor Hockey Association
#2 - 175B Wrangler Way
PO Box 487
100 Mile House, BC
V0K 2E0